Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Conventional Generalized Anxiety Disorder Treatment And The Linden Method

In the early phases of generalized anxiety disorder treatment, basic, supportive counselling will be helpful. This calls for an explanation of the condition, assurance that the physical symptoms being experienced are not the effect of a bodily disease in addition to a well-defined treatment plan that will lower any anxiety as a result of further doubt.

At this point, it is also useful to take a look at any additional simple life style alterations such as diminishing caffeine intake which could add to anxiety levels in prone individuals and heighten stress. Although stress is not the reason behind generalized anxiety disorder, it may worsen the symptoms.

Self-help techniques can also be used in generalized anxiety disorder treatment and with persistence, they may make a sensational difference to a person's lifestyle. These kinds of methods require using the senses: visualise something positive and comforting; listen to calming music; cook your favourite food and take time to enjoy it; spend some time petting an animal or spoil yourself with a comforting massage.

When practised frequently, the effects of relaxation are often as beneficial in generalized anxiety disorder treatment as anxiolytic prescriptions. It isn't always simple to do this by yourself and commitment is often improved whenever relaxation is carried out with a group.

Generalized anxiety disorder treatment for more acute and serious symptoms may well require a different treatment program. In order for generalized anxiety disorder treatment to be effective, it may be necessary for a specialist to analyze the disorder in order to affirm the diagnosis and to exclude any other conceivable triggers for the anxiety that may be clouding the picture. The moment this has been carried out, additional treatment can be decided upon.

Therapy is an important component of generalized anxiety disorder treatment. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is perhaps the most effective therapy and many studies have shown it to be as beneficial as medication in generalized anxiety disorder treatment. With the help of assistance from a therapist the person learns how destructive thoughts elevate levels of anxiety by distorting the view of them selves and the world.

With time, it is possible to cultivate strategies to challenge these thought processes and to cope with the physical symptoms of anxiety. With generalized anxiety disorder treatment of this nature, it is possible to discover how to monitor trigger factors for your anxiety, to determine the severity of attacks and to assess improvement.

Generalized anxiety disorder treatment is likely to call for a combination of the aforementioned treatment options along with drug treatment. Four of the most well-known medications being used are: buspirone, benzodiazepines, beta blockers and antidepressants.

Buspirone and benzodiazepines are usually ideal for short-term generalized anxiety disorder treatment. Benzodiazepines can lead to dependency but utilised appropriately, are very effective. Beta blockers don't have a direct impact on the mental symptoms of anxiety but they are utilized to assist with physical symptoms such as reducing the heartbeat rate as well as preventing palpitations.

Several antidepressants might be prescribed in generalized anxiety disorder treatment. Some of the more modern antidepressants take effect within a week but sometimes induce fairly substantial gastrointestinal unwanted effects like nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea and sadly, when the medication is discontinued, symptoms of anxiety can return.

Another noteworthy generalized anxiety disorder treatment is the Linden Method. The program was developed by Charles Linden who dealt with chronic anxiety and depression for very many years. He received numerous different kinds of treatment with no success so he decided to re-evaluate his condition and treatment program and figured that he needed to give attention to the emotions of his problems rather than the cognitions.

His treatment plan entails re-training the region of the brain involved with emotions so that unpleasant memories and emotions are gradually over time replaced by happy ones, thereby initiating the body's natural rehabilitation mechanism and eventually resulting in the eradication of the anxiety condition.

The Linden Method has been around for in excess of a decade and it is a well known fact that it has cured hundreds of thousands of ex-anxiety sufferers. It is gaining increasing respect amongst members from the medical and psychological professions. This method together with the other treatments described above, are the main forms of generalized anxiety disorder treatment and treatment should be tailored to suit each individual.

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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Treatment

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Treatment - More Options Today Than Ever Before.

If you are looking for treatment options to combat Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), then you will be glad to know that there are now more options than you have ever had for treatment in the past. It wasn't too long ago that the only Generalized Anxiety Disorder treatment options commonly prescribed were breathing into paper bags or taking mind numbing prescription medications. Times have changed and science has turned back in time to accept many of the tried and true remedies that our ancestors turned to for treatment for anxiety. The bottom line is that there are now many options for Generalized Anxiety Disorder treatment.


If you aren't exactly sure what it is that is triggering your panic or anxiety attacks then this may very well be the best solution for your anxiety needs. If not the best, it is certainly a solution worth considering. Therapy will help you work through and identify the source of your anxiety while providing guidance for treating the symptoms of your anxiety. You cannot obtain the required prescription for pharmaceutical anxiety medications without seeing a qualified therapist in most instances. The downside of therapy is that it is difficult to maintain absolute privacy.


Prescribed medications can have a profound impact on your condition when you suffer from General anxiety disorder. General anxiety disorder treatment through prescription medications often do little to treat the illness and only effectively work to treat the symptoms of GAD. Prescriptions must also be dispensed by a licensed physicians which means that you can't just walk into your local supermarket or drug store and pick them up. Prescriptions work best when used in combination with therapy or counseling that is designed to treat the underlying cause of your anxiety.


Mind over matter is an effective treatment for problems that are associated with anxiety as well as overcoming the general hold that anxiety has over your life. You can use traditional hypnosis as well as Neuro Linguistic Programming in order to take back control of your lives and render powerless the triggers that have held you hostage. Through NLP and hypnosis you can find the strength within to draw from and to overcome your anxiety. Over time the panic attacks will be less and less frequent.

Herbal Remedies

Generalized anxiety disorder treatment through herbal remedies is growing as there is growing concern about the potential risks associated with general pharmaceutical treatments that are commonly prescribed. Herbal remedies offer fewer side effects, are easier to obtain, require no long term therapy sessions (though it is recommended to use in combination with a physicians care and a confirmed diagnosis of GAD), and provide comparable results to those medications that are often prescribed for the same effect.

The fact remains that there are many great generalized anxiety disorder treatment options available. You have to find the one treatment or combination of treatments that works best for your particular needs.

Bethany Jordan is an Information Technology professional and aspiring writer who was clinically diagnosed with SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder) in 2007.
She maintains a website dedicated to sharing information on natural antidepressants, herbal remedies for anxiety and depression, and anxiety disorders in general. Everyone is welcome and invited to visit
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